Thursday, October 28, 2010

Be more Chill

Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini, is a very interesting book i read. In this book Jeremy, a normal wimpy kid,a kid whos known to be a dork, he wanted to be popular, he wanted a girl. One day a boy from school told him there was a computer you can buy to install into your mind which helps you. He agreed and bought the computer. After i think thay Jeremy really changed. I think that he became more selfish when he started hanging out with the cooler people. I think that Jeremy really thought that being cool was everything and in my opinion he was wrong. Through out this he hurt many people and didnt care, but at the end he eneded up with nothing.
Jeremy was a normal kid turned into a devil. He did many stupid things in life, but in the end i think he learned his lesson by seeing his mom cry. I think that Jeremy learned that being cool was not everything, but loving people and caring meant alot, i think he learning you didnt have to BE MORE CHILL to be a good person.
I think that The main reason that Jeremy did this was because a girl that he really liked.( Christine) I think that if Jeremy didnt want Christine so bad he would have never gotten the Squip( Computer) installed into his head. But in the end Jeremy saw that Christine didnt like the computer, that taught Jeremy how to be cool, but she actaully liked the person that he truely was from the inside. When Jeremy realized this it was already too late, he could not get another chance, becasue Christine now hated him for what he had become. To say sorry at the end Jeremy wrote a book about how it all happened, and why he did it, because he knew Christine would not wanna talk to him. That was the end. There was no second chances, too read more about this book, you can go to

I hope they make another book about this.

Mother To Son ( Poem)

Oh son, yes you know,
the problems we had,
i try my best to hide them,
but i never pass,
i hope you have a better future then i do,
and definetly don't have to face what i did,
i no you were embarassed when i use to ask for money,
but the only reason i did it is for you honey,
i no i did things that made you look bad infront of your friends,
but when im gone,
please remember me,
remember that i always loved you

Mother to Son (Reflection)

     I thought that the poem, (Mother to son), was a really interesting poem with alot of meaning. I thought this because i thought that it was meaningful because, it showed how a mother was telling her son, that even though life wasnt a crystal stair for them, it wasnt all that bad either, just because they were poor didnt mean they couldnt afford love. I thought this poem was really nice because not only did it show a story, it showed meaning. it showed how someone can love anyone else in such a good way and not care about how they are living. I think that the mother was true to her son becasue she didnt care about money. I thought that even though they didnt have the brightest life, they had each other and that was enough for them.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Appreciation

        Freak the Mighty, was a great book. I appreciated this book for many several different reasons. This book showed a lot of connections to my life, friendship, and it definitely taught me a lot of lessons !
       One way this book showed connections to my life is because, one connection was that Max is a big person and looks tough but he is really soft and cares about people from the inside (but does not like to show it), and people tell me that I'm really big and I look tough, but deep down i care for people even if i don't like to show it and don't like them.
       This book showed alot of friendship because in this book, Freak and Max do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it. For example, when Freak told max that he wanted to go on a adventure at 3 AM to find treasure, Max did not even complain all he said was okay, and they snuck out for each other. Even when Freak died Max showed that he really cared about Freak and even though Freak was gone, there friendship lived !
       Freak the mighty, this book taught me a lot of lessons, one lesson this book has taught me is to always care about the people while they are with you, what i mean is that Max loved Freak as a friend, but he was hesitant to say that Freak actually was a friend. I think that if you care about someone you should just tell them and say it before its too late and you lose your chance.
       In conclusion, i thought that Freak the Mighty was a Mighty book indeed. This book showed me reality and true friendship, how one person can love another, or be destined to meet someone. Freak might be gone, But Freak the Mighty will never die. :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Freak the Mighty.

     Freak the mighty was a good book, I think this because it showed a lot of meaning, trust and most of all friendship. I thought that this book was also good because it showed deep feelings.
     One thing that i appreciate, is how Max says," I never had a brain until Freak came along and let me borrow his for a while, and that's the truth, the unvanquished truth is how freak would say it." I appreciate this because I think it shows a lot of meaning and friendship! This shows a lot of meaning because i think that it means that Freak and Max are really good friends. Also when I was starting this book, and i read this, i thought to myself that this book was really interesting because it seems like this quote means a lot. I also liked his quote because it shows how Max thinks he's dumb without Freaks help but that isn't true because Freak just helps Max by telling him he can do it.
     Another thing I appreciate is the way Freak died. What i mean by this is that he thought of everything as imagination, he use to make up crazy adventures to teach Max what fun actually was, and since Freak didn't want to hurt Max, he told Max he was getting a robot body, and that he was the first person. He used his imagination to help Max and show him that everything is possible. This was another thing that i really appreciated about the book.
     Last i appreciate, that Freak and Max had a crazy friendship, What i mean is that whenever Freak told Max that they were going on a adventure, Max would say okay and tag along, for example when Freak told Max that they were going to find treasure at 3am in the morning, Max tagged along without complaining or anything.
     In conclusion, i thought that Freak the Mighty was a really a good book, that showed a lot of meaning and care. This book showed me a lot of lessons and gave me alot of things to appreciate.This was one of my most favorite books, i cant wait to read the next one.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Charlotte's Web

     In the book charolettes web wilbur went through many changes, I think
that one of the big ideas in the book charolettes web was change.
      I think that one of the big ideas was change because they showed how
wilbur started off from nothing, what ii mean by this is when he was
born Fern's father said he was too weak to live and he should just be
slaughtered, but with the love of aa little girl and the determination
she convinced her dad to let her take care of Wilbur. Later on in the
book because of Fern's hard work, Wilbur turned out to be a unordinary
big that became famous.
     Another change in Chorolette's Web was that Fern started off as aa
little girl who loved Wilbur, and wanted to spend as much time with him
as she could, she went to the barn everyday just to watch the pig she
helped grow. After, Fern grows mature && stops visiting the barn that
much because she loses her interest in the barn, and that too me was aa
very big change.
     Last, a change in book Charolette's web was an unordinary change. The
change was to Mr Zuckerman, the change that Mr. Zuckerment went through
was that at first he bought Wilbur from Fern's father because he was
gunna slaughter him, but when Charlotte made the web about Wilbur that
said "some pig" Mr Zuckermen found out Wilbur was a special pig and
decided not to slaughter him.
     In conclusion, I think that one of the big idea's in Chorlette's Web
was going through change, because Fern, Wilbur, and Mr Zuckermen through