Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3 responses to student blogs

Through out all the blogs I've seen and read many blogs but one blog i really liked was Sabrina's blog. The reason why i liked her blog a lot was because she showed feelings from different parts of views. What i mean by this is she wrote that the girl had to move to California because she wanted to be a lawyer, but the girl really thinks that the mom wants to get rid of her, when really it was because the mom doesn't want her daughters dreams to be crushed. She also talks about how when the girl moves she finds out its not that bad and she meets new people and has a new boy friend ! But as you know a girl would not forget her past and starts to miss California. I think overall Sabrina's blog showed a lot of feelings and understands.
Another blog post i really liked was Samuel's blog called "Show your teeth", the reason why i really liked this blog was because it was rap and it was about the social life of some people. I think his rhyming pattern makes the reader really want too read more. Another thing i really like about his blog post was that he used old language which made me like it, he said someone put a gat in his back , but now no one uses that word
Last i really liked olivia's post because her poem has alot of meaning. She talks about different phases that the rose goes through, and by the end after the rose has been through everything. It dies like everything else.

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